James Kirkup

Some women have penises. If you won’t sleep with them you’re transphobic

2 July 2019 10:54 pm

I’m bored with writing about politicians and Brexit so this is an article about genitals instead. Feel free to make…

Can Brexiteers trust Boris Johnson to deliver a ‘real’ Brexit?

21 May 2019 11:54 pm

The current Westminster consensus that Boris Johnson is the next Tory leader and prime minister raises all sorts of thoughts.…

Theresa May’s successor should be careful what they wish for

17 May 2019 4:34 am

Let’s assume this really is the start of the last act of Theresa May’s premiership. Let’s assume too that her…

It is now ‘transphobic’ to report doctors’ fears about trans’ children’s health

9 April 2019 12:42 am

The Times today reports serious concerns about the functioning of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock &…

Trans rights have gone wrong

6 October 2018 9:00 am

Your 13-year-old daughter tells a teacher that’s she’s uncomfortable with her body. She prefers trousers to skirts, football to ballet.…