Ismene Brown

Ninja Turtles have no place in Cinderella

18 July 2015 9:00 am

What could induce a grown-up, rational, childless person to go to see the ballet of Cinderella? You’ll expect to cringe…

The Sun King deserves better than this silly cabaret from Birmingham Royal Ballet

4 July 2015 9:00 am

It’s a comfort that the creation of a new ballet inspired by French court entertainment can still happen in the…

The choreographer that does things to tango couples that Relate would not recommend

20 June 2015 9:00 am

I often regret that I’m writing in the past tense here, but never more than about milonga. It is such…

Sylvie Guillem, in savage-child tunic and a Mowgli wig, says farewell to her fans

Is that Sylvie Guillem? Or R2-D2? Guillem's farewell dance at Sadler’s Wells reviewed

6 June 2015 9:00 am

There’s been a clutch of middle-aged danseuses taking leave of life in one way or another recently. We’ve seen the…

Rapture - and loathing: Woolf Works at the Royal Ballet reviewed

23 May 2015 9:00 am

People have been saying that Wayne McGregor’s new Woolf Works has reinvented the three-act ballet, but not so. William Forsythe…

Rosie Kay’s 5 Soldiers: brutishly physical and powerfully striking

9 May 2015 9:00 am

In dance, it’s usually the moment the boys start fighting that challenges your suspension of disbelief. Synchronised fencing (MacMillan’s Romeo…

Vadim Muntagirov and Laura Morera in ‘La Fille mal gardée’

La Fille mal gardee at the Royal Opera House reviewed: light, lithe and tender

25 April 2015 9:00 am

The current talking-point at the Royal Ballet is the Russians milling around. One can sound unfortunately as if one’s starting…

An Indian Bayadère that meets a sludgy end

11 April 2015 9:00 am

For an Indian woman to make a dancework about La Bayadère is a promising prospect. This classical ballet of 1877…

Birmingham Royal Ballet review: A Father Ted Carmina Burana

4 April 2015 9:00 am

We ballet-goers may be the most self-deceiving audiences in theatre. Put a ‘new work’ in front of us and half…

Leonid Yakobson in Leningrad c. 1926

Leonid Yakobson: the greatest ballet genius you’ve never heard of

28 March 2015 9:00 am

On YouTube there’s a brief dance video of a Viennese waltz so enchanting that not even Fred and Ginger in…

50 shades of beige: English National Ballet's Modern Masters at Sadler's Wells, reviewed

21 March 2015 9:00 am

My moment of the week was stumbling into the shocking, fantastical Cabinet of Curiosities in the Alexander McQueen show at…

A legendary piece of iconoclastic dance returns. Does the piece still stand up?

28 February 2015 9:00 am

Funny how things turn upside-down with time. A work of contemporary dance that made an iconoclastic splash decades ago is…

Wings of desire: film still of Natalia Makarova and Anthony Dowell in ‘Swan Lake’, 1980

Will the real Swan Lake please stand up

21 February 2015 9:00 am

Ismene Brown unpicks the great enigma of ballet theatre

The Associates at Sadler's Wells reviewed: another acutely inventive work from Crystal Pite

14 February 2015 9:00 am

The prodigious streetdancer Tommy Franzén pops up everywhere from family-friendly hip-hop shows by ZooNation, Boy Blue and Bounce to serious…

London International Mime Festival review: on juggling, dance and Wayne Rooney's hair transplant

31 January 2015 9:00 am

January is something of a palate-cleanser for the year, as the London International Mime Festival flies in plane-loads of companies…

ENB’s Swan Lake: the rights and wrongs of ballet thighs

17 January 2015 9:00 am

There’s been heated disagreement over the past week about what’s right and wrong. Is the rocket-propelled ex-Bolshoi enfant terrible Ivan…

Better than Leslie Caron: Leanne Cope (Lise) and the company in ‘An American in Paris’

An American in Paris: a zingy new Wheeldon dance-musical that you won’t want to miss

3 January 2015 9:00 am

A new year must start with hope and resolution, and if you’re very rich, with influence in the highest places,…

Sensual but not thrilling: Carlos Acosta as Basilio

Royal Ballet’s Don Quixote: Carlos Acosta is too brainy with this no-brain ballet

13 December 2014 9:00 am

One feels the pang of impending failure whenever the Royal Ballet ventures like a deluded Don Quixote into a periodic…

Sacred Monsters, Sadler’s Wells: Sylvie Guillem and Akram Kham’s captivating final boogie

6 December 2014 9:00 am

I’m dashing between dance theatres at the moment and there’s just so much to tell you about. I could linger…

‘This era’s supreme objet d’art’: Sylvie Guillem in 1985, aged 19, in her Paris Opera dressing-room

Sylvie Guillem interview: ‘A lot of people hate me. Bon. You can’t please everybody’

15 November 2014 9:00 am

On the eve of her retirement, Sylvie Guillem talks to Ismene Brown about legs, boobs and changing people’s lives

Thomas Ades’s Polaris at Sadler’s Wells: the dance premiere of the year

15 November 2014 9:00 am

This has been an extraordinarily exciting fortnight, on and off stage. Premieres in anything from ice-skating to classical ballet, charismatic…

Russians made the theatre space the most liberating imaginative device ever invented

1 November 2014 9:00 am

You have to hand it to the Russians. They beat us into space, beat us to sexual equality, and a…

All was beauteous with the Royal Ballet’s ‘Symphonic Variations’ on the first night

Birmingham Royal Ballet and the Royal Ballet battle for the heart of English dance

1 November 2014 9:00 am

English ballet erupted out of the second world war in the hands of the rival choreographers Frederick Ashton and Robert…

Plisetskaya in ‘Romeo and Juliet’, 1964. She was one of the supreme trophies in the Soviet display case, the most garlanded, the most suspected

Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin: ‘The KGB put a microphone in our marriage bed’

25 October 2014 9:00 am

Ismene Brown talks to the Russian super-couple Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin about ballet, opera and the KGB

Turning feral: Lord of the Flies

Matthew Bourne’s Lord of the Flies: when boys turn feral

18 October 2014 9:00 am

GCSE Eng Lit pupils are doing well from dance this season with two set books told in the medium of…