South Africa dreams of a black Christmas
It’s 38C outside and I’m in a Johannesburg hypermarket owned by the Pick n Pay chain, one of the biggest…
A fragile democracy has bloomed in Botswana
There’s been a momentous election in Africa, Botswana to be exact. Not heard about it? Don’t be surprised. The British…
Will South Africa’s unemployed rise up?
Beginning in the year 2000, Robert Mugabe began snatching white-owned farms for ‘redistribution’ and giving them to the black majority…
Jacob Zuma remains a problem for South Africa
More than 30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, leaders of the African National Congress (ANC), South Africa’s long-time…
Who will win South Africa’s election?
From the start, it didn’t look good this time round for the African National Congress (ANC), which has ruled South Africa since…
South Africa’s migrant crisis
Johannesburg It’s called the ‘Reverse Jive’, retracing your steps to where your journey began, and you’ll hear it talked about…
Modern-day slavery in Mauritania
In April 1864, the US Senate passed a bill that set in motion what would become the Thirteenth Amendment to…
Why Rwanda isn’t safe for migrants
Kigali is, for now, one of Africa’s safest cities. Walk down a street in the Rwandan capital after dark and…
Is there really a ‘genocide’ of white farmers in South Africa?
Is a crime against humanity at risk of unfolding in South Africa? Elon Musk, the Pretoria-born billionaire who owns X…
What’s the truth about South Africa’s ‘genocide’ of white farmers?
Is a crime against humanity at risk of unfolding in South Africa? Elon Musk, the Pretoria-born billionaire who owns X…
The joy of rescuing snakes
Snake rescuers like me always get asked the same question: have you ever been bitten? I’ve dealt with mambas, giant…
Putin has escaped his South African dilemma
As a founding member of the International Criminal Court, South Africa has an obligation to arrest Vladimir Putin should he…
A trophy hunting ban won’t save Africa’s wildlife
British rule over South Africa ended in 1910, but now parliament is busy with legislation that could have a devastating effect…
The Zulu’s new king brings peace, for a moment
A new king of the Zulu was crowned at the weekend. Thousands in South Africa went to Durban to watch…
How Ireland became a back door to Britain
I was working in Johannesburg when I first got wind of the fact that Ireland has become an illegal back…