Gavin Mortimer

The Queen is one Brit Macron can warm to

3 June 2022 4:34 pm

He may not have much respect forthe ‘Clown’, but when it comes to the Queen Emmanuel Macron is as smitten…

Marine Le Pen is right to defend Liverpool fans

30 May 2022 7:33 pm

It may not be much consolation to those Liverpool fans who were caught up in the chaos at the Stade…

Blair is wrong: the future of Britain shouldn’t involve Macron

28 May 2022 6:00 pm

Tony Blair believes the way forward for Britain is to seek guidance from Emmanuel Macron. The former British prime minister…

A short history of dogs in war

24 May 2022 7:25 pm

In his own inimitable way, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has unleashed his dogs of war on Vladimir Putin and once…

Macron’s Renaissance rocked by sex abuse claims

23 May 2022 8:19 pm

Emmanuel Macron recently changed the name of his party from En Marche to Renaissance but so far all that has…

Will France's PM offend Britain like her predecessor?

17 May 2022 9:06 pm

Élisabeth Borne was unveiled as the new prime minister of France last night and in her acceptance speech she paid…

Does Macron dream of the Nobel Peace Prize?

12 May 2022 12:31 am

Emmanuel Macron has taken it upon himself to tackle the delicate diplomatic situation of the war in Ukraine with fresh…

Macron’s new enemy is the French Nigel Farage

5 May 2022 4:19 pm

First it was the Greens, then the Communists and on Wednesday Jean-Luc Mélenchon bagged the big one, the Socialist party.…

How Eurosceptics seized power over the French left

2 May 2022 6:45 pm

In Britain it was the Tories who tore themselves apart over Europe, but in France it is the left for…

Can Mélenchon unite the French left?

30 April 2022 9:00 am

Can Mélenchon unite the French left?

Forget Le Pen 2027

25 April 2022 5:30 pm

If Emmanuel Macron has any sense he will be back in the office this morning. Sunday night’s celebratory shindig was…

The gloves are off for Macron and Le Pen

19 April 2022 5:05 pm

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen clash tomorrow evening in an eagerly anticipated live television debate. The president has been…

Who would want to lead such an angry France?

17 April 2022 5:13 pm

It was a day of protest in Paris on Saturday and I made it to four of the five demonstrations.…

The French elite are playing into Le Pen’s hands

13 April 2022 8:12 pm

The cry of ‘aux barricades’ is reverberating around France as the country’s political elite rush to form a Republican Front.…

French election: The country is divided

11 April 2022 4:28 pm

So it’s Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen once again, and for many millions of French that is a deeply…

The strange revival of France’s Jean-Luc Mélenchon

9 April 2022 8:50 pm

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is on the march once more, rising up the polls and laying bare the ineptitude of the Socialist…

Progressives vs populists: Macron, Orban and Europe’s faultline

9 April 2022 9:00 am

It’s the progressives vs the populists, Macron vs Orban

Macron has taken this election for granted

7 April 2022 5:11 pm

Things are going from bad to worse for Emmanuel Macron, and for the first time political commentators in France are…

Could Marine Le Pen actually win?

6 April 2022 5:34 pm

Emmanuel Macron is worried. This wasn’t how he had envisaged the election. A month ago the president of France held…

Was another tragic Jewish death covered up in France?

5 April 2022 10:49 pm

Not for the first time in France the death of a Jew is dominating the news, and not for the…

Macron is the Messiah for French millennials

3 April 2022 5:45 pm

Emmanuel Macron welcomed the faithful to Paris on Saturday at a rally in the west of the capital. I know…

What progressives can learn from France's straight-talking communists

2 April 2022 9:58 pm

The latest poll has France’s socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo on 1.5 per cent. This is the party that won the presidential…

Could Le Pen snatch victory from Macron?

28 March 2022 6:47 pm

When the attacks commence it’s clear that Marine Le Pen’s enemies are unnerved. For months – actually make that five…

Will Macron surrender to the mob?

23 March 2022 11:00 pm

It has been a torrid few days in France. In the early hours of Saturday morning, a former Argentine rugby…

France is strong where Britain and America are weak

19 March 2022 10:31 pm

Emmanuel Macron unveiled his campaign manifesto in a carefully orchestrated press conference on Thursday and his pledges to cut taxes…