Dight Canning

Victoria’s government is rotting away

22 July 2024 1:01 am

Putrefaction anywhere is generally unwelcome, but when it occurs in government it’s particularly nauseating. We not only have to bear…

Ten-year Tim condemns Victoria to years of penury 

9 May 2024 1:03 am

Net debt in Victoria is forecast to hit $187.8 billion by 2027-28

Big bang fallout

20 April 2024 9:00 am

No one escapes the Lehrmann/Higgins ‘omnishambles’ unscathed

Victoria: rotten to the core

19 December 2023 1:27 am

The evidence is in. Victoria’s public service has become massively politicised, confirming what many suspected after nine years of Labor…

Dreamtime turns to nightmare for ‘Yes’

17 October 2023 4:30 pm

The emphatic result of the 2023 Voice Referendum is a triumph for democracy in Australia. It showcases for all the…

Albanese everywhere – but nowhere: the Voice has been overshadowed

13 October 2023 12:02 am

Politics happens in a context. This means that national leaders must operate in the knowledge that their plans will be…

Which premier is next?

1 October 2023 4:30 am

Political power is seductive. Just ask Victoria’s and West Australia’s now departed Premiers – Daniel Andrews and Mark McGowan respectively.…

‘An honour and a privilege’ to leave Victoria drowning in debt 

26 September 2023 7:03 pm

In the early afternoon on a glorious Spring day in Melbourne, Victoria’s 48th Premier made his announcement. Needless to say,…

Cheerless, friendless, broke – Victoria in 2023

23 September 2023 12:25 pm

The decrepit state of Victoria in 2023 is far, far worse than it was when Labor was dramatically booted from…

Budget ‘blame-game’ hits fever pitch

21 April 2023 4:00 am

If it wasn’t so serious it might work as a form of dark comedy or a pantomime for brainwashed adults.…

Blather, babble, blah – the death throes of ABC TV news

20 February 2023 5:00 am

That ABC TV news is dying is not in dispute. The remaining question is whether to switch off life-support or…

‘Howitzer Harry’: shots fired

15 January 2023 8:00 am

Let’s face it, Harry Windsor has taken the ‘festive season’ seriously and kept us all mightily amused with his ripping…

Victorian Labor: trashing public trust

24 November 2022 4:00 am

As Victorians head to the polls this Saturday they’re deciding much more than who controls the state’s finances for the…

Twenty years hard Labor

12 November 2022 11:10 am

On November 22, Daniel Andrews will mark exactly twenty years as a member of the Victorian Parliament. Just four days…

Diamonds are forever: Andrews puts a ring on it

1 November 2022 8:00 am

‘Bottom of the barrel politics’ is nothing new to Victorian Labor Leader Daniel Michael Andrews. He loves the contest and…

Victoria’s rotten body politic

24 October 2022 11:00 am

Democratic government is no longer about delivering election promises. Forget the promises. Forget even the broken promises – there are…

Victoria’s talentless politicians forfeit right to govern

12 October 2022 12:00 pm

The decrepitude of Victorian politics as the November election approaches is eclipsed only by the obscene self-indulgence of its practitioners.…

Victorian politics – a desolate landscape

23 September 2022 4:00 am

Just ten weeks from polling day and we are left to ask, could the political outlook for Victorian voters be…

Fiscal vandalism alive and well in ‘Danistan’

12 May 2022 9:00 am

Dodgy Labor Party politicking and fiscal vandalism are the enduring hallmarks of Daniel Andrews’ leftist government which, in just six…

Treacherous Turnbull?

5 May 2022 12:00 pm

Our remarkable nation has had thirty Prime Ministers since Federation serving thirty-five separate terms of office. Elections at the national…

Vicious, mean and never wrong - Labor’s ‘mean girls’

23 March 2022 9:00 am

The revelations since the recent tragic death of former Senator Kimberley Kitching have laid bare the despicable, vicious nature of…

Andrews pandemic powers push voters over the edge

15 November 2021 6:10 pm

As Victorian voters show early signs of recovery from their 262 days in lockdown Daniel Andrews’ Spring Street outfit is…

Victorian Labor: you can close your eyes, Dan, but the stench of sleaze won’t go away

8 November 2021 6:37 pm

Listening to dumped Victorian Labor cabinet minister, Adem Somyurek, speak today you’d swear you had stumbled into the X Files.…

What’s new about politicians calling their opponents liars?

5 November 2021 12:00 pm

From Glasgow to Ultimo there is a most convenient confluence of resentment, even hatred. Feeling the heat at home and…

Daniel Andrews is sinking in a swamp of sleaze

25 October 2021 12:00 pm

Victorians are contemptuous of the Daniel Andrews-led government which has done so much harm to so many over an extended…