David Richards

The presumption of guilt

14 February 2024 3:00 am

In a sweltering, steamy Queensland summer, strange things happen when it gets too hot to handle. Violent crime was the…

The rise of the Fifth Estate

18 March 2023 7:00 am

In 1891, Oscar Wilde wrote: ‘In old days men had the rack. Now they have the Press. That is an improvement certainly.…

The Shinkansen to Hiroshima: a Covid-Haunted world

30 November 2022 4:00 am

When Michael Jackson famously started wearing face masks, many took it as evidence that the great man had succumbed to…

Australia’s Amsterdam moment

8 November 2022 6:00 am

The new film Amsterdam from David O Russell tells of an almost forgotten moment in American history when, in 1933, a group…