Australian notes
Del-Cons? Or Hon-Cons? When the conspirators met to approve of Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten knifing their respective leaders, did…
Federal fiasco
The Prime Minister’s latest Captain’s Pick is far more damaging than any knighthood ever was
Malcolm Turnbull, chameleon
The Prime Minister offers a glimpse of conservative leanings, but are those his true colours?
Australian notes
Will they or won't they (block supply)?
Australian notes
Will the GG really call a DD?
Time to stop this politicians’ rort
The Senate voting reforms are essential to restoring democracy to our flawed system
Aux bien pensants
Australians should thank ICAC Commissioner Megan Latham for demonstrating that she presides over what was, from its very inception, a…
Will they Cruzify Ted?
The progressive elites will try to do to Cruz what they did to Abbott
Republicans’ cunning stunts
Gimmicks and tricks are far easier than trying to come up with a workable republican model
Turnbull’s chicken entrails
Was the poor North Sydney by-election result an omen of things to come?
Don’t cry for me, Australia
Our politicians are taking us down the path to Argentina
Don’t risk bringing in terrorists (again)
The Turnbull coup is impacting upon our national security
Republican notes
Our best defence against jihadism? Abbott Until those acts of appallingly primitive barbarism in Paris, the events surrounding Prince Charles’…
Have republicans no shame?
Notes on Turnbull’s treachery and Whitlam being ‘wronged’
Aux bien pensants
If the Turnbull government had been elected in 2013, there can be no doubt that illegal immigration would now be…
Replacing Churchill with Chamberlain
In dangerous times, some nations replace weak leaders with strong. Here we do it the other way round
Lord High Protector
The Liberal party has fallen into the hands of kleptoparasites
Aux bien pensants
If Malcolm Turnbull is remembered for anything, it will be for his supreme act of treachery in bringing down a…
Let’s just keep on voting until the plebs get it right
The Republican movement are up to their old tricks
Aux bien pensants
It’s not so long ago that the commetariat was talking about the end of Qantas, at least as an international…
Shock! Horror! Abbott does what he said he would
Those who clearly know better are appalled by the idea that Tony Abbott wants the people to decide on gay marriage
Bronny bad, Adam goodes
The commentariat have their goodies and baddies, but it is our parliamentarians who really need to lift their game
Bandana republic
Two plebiscites, a convention, a referendum, massive funding and a bloke in a red bandana. But will it work?
Abbott, part II
With talk of an early election, it is time politicians focussed on what really matters to the electorate
Squawk du jour
There’s nothing wrong with rendering terrorists stateless