Where are the righteous of Gaza?
Glorifying jihadists has created a populace that supports terrorism
Australia’s jihad-supporting government
Our most anti-Israel and anti-Jewish administration ever
Community safety or grubby politics?
Duty abandoned and priorities betrayed where censorship rules
Blood on her hands
Labor (and the Teals) now actively undermining Israel
Roll out the red carpet for jihad
Labor is compromising the safety of all Australians
Something to help Labor show their support
Or is Labor policy complicit with Hamas?
Why Jews should vote No to the Voice
History has taught us that racial division never ends well
Weaponising the Nazi smear
Labor and the Libs’ shameful treatment of Moira Deeming
Perrottet pile-on
Labor plays the Nazi card
Biden’s humiliating Middle East excursion
Anyone anticipating significant progress or even directional clarity arising from the 13-16 July visit by US President Joe Biden and…
Stench of Greens
Antisemitism definition is rejected by the hard Left
Like a cancer in Australian society
Time to use 18C on Hizb ut-Tahrir
Lockdown needs a smackdown
Current Covid-19 policy settings provide no exit
Grooming junior jihadists
Hamas prepares the next generation of terrorists
Israel under attack
And Biden is to blame
Labor embraces Palestinian terror
The ALP muzzles Danby and rewards human rights abuses
Lies, damn lies and coronavirus
Our authorities are undermining public confidence
CCP’s persecution of the Uyghurs
A moral failure of the international community
Peace nixed
Biden and Harris will plunge the Middle East back into darkness
UNRWA, where refugee services meet terrorism
Australia’s federal budget sends a signal
Middle East game changer
There are winners and losers in the Israel-UAE peace deal. Not to mention the wrath of the usual suspects.
COVIDSafe is grossly flawed – an update
You read about it first in the SpecOz back on April 28 when I outlined the obvious limitations of the…
Let’s get this straight: COVIDSafe is grossly flawed
The take-up of the government’s COVIDSafe app has been truly remarkable, with over two million downloads in the first two…
Antisemitism’s perfect storm
It’s the world’s oldest bigotry and it’s on the rise again. Antisemitism is associated with the darkest chapters of human…
Do Labor intend to ‘recognise’ a terrorist state?
The designation of the Palestinian Authority (PA) as a terrorist organisation would have major implications for Australia’s foreign policy and…