If the Duchy of Lancaster has been so bad, why didn’t Labour notice before?
Let us assume — which we shouldn’t — that it is automatically wrong for the Queen to benefit financially from…
Women used to forgive men their defects, but the quality of mercy is under strain
Poor Gordon Brown. He embodies the problem traditionally associated with being male, which is that our sex finds it difficult…
The Spectator’s notes
Theresa May’s style of negotiating with the European Union is coming spookily to resemble David Cameron’s. She is in the…
The Spectator’s Notes
‘Persecuted and Forgotten?’ is the name of the latest report by Aid to the Church in Need. Unfortunately, there is…
The Spectator’s notes
The Catalan nationalists surely chose this October deliberately for their attempt, now faltering, at UDI. It is the centenary of…
The Spectator’s Notes
However much we try — and lots of us don’t — we fall for the power of the photo-image. So…
The Spectator’s Notes
You can see why Theresa May said in Florence that the British wished the European Union well in its plans…
The Spectator’s notes
Sir David Norgrove, the chairman of the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA), is an honourable man. When he publicly rebuked Boris…
The Spectator’s notes
Apologies for my absence from this column. My editors kindly let me get on with the final volume of my…
The Spectator’s Notes
The pre-commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales is already in full swing. She…
The Spectator’s Notes
For some time now, banks have wielded hamfistedly the concept of the ‘politically exposed person’. They have withdrawn bank accounts…
The Spectator’s notes
Having worked flat-out to defend judges over the Article 50 case in the Supreme Court, the BBC has gone the…
The Spectator’s Notes
At Guildhall on Tuesday, the Centre for Policy Studies held its Margaret Thatcher Conference on Security. Its title is an…
The Spectator’s Notes
How much longer can it go on? Deaths caused by terrorism are always followed now by candlelit vigils, a minute’s…
The Spectator’s Notes
Before knowing the result of the election, I composed my Chairman’s message in the newsletter of the Rectory Society. In…
The Spectator’s Notes
By the time you read this, the campaign will have drawn fractiously to its close, so here is a strong…
The Spectator’s Notes
At Mass on Sunday, we were issued with a letter from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, entitled ‘The General Election 2017’.…
The Spectator’s Notes
At Mass on Sunday, we were issued with a letter from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, entitled ‘The General Election 2017’.…
The Spectator’s notes
In most parts of the world, we have now supped so full of terrorist horrors that the death of 22…
The Spectator’s Notes
‘Exclusive invitation: I want to hear from you, Charles’, it said in my inbox. Theresa May wanted me to take…
The Spectator’s Notes
Jeremy Corbyn wants to put up income tax only for people who earn more than £80,000 a year, he says.…
The Spectator’s Notes
Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s main Brexit negotiator, tweeted on Monday: ‘Any #Brexit deal requires a strong & stable understanding…
The Spectator’s Notes
With Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen through to the final in France, people of a conservative disposition might feel…
The Spectator’s notes
The fact that nothing leaked about Mrs May’s snap election tells you much of what you need to know about…