Bridget Phetasy

If Trump or Biden actually cared about America, they would step aside

19 July 2024 4:55 am

I’ve written ad nauseam about how much I hate this election, about how Trump-Biden 2.0 is even more demoralizing than…

Sydney Sweeney has brought boobs back

6 March 2024 4:25 am

Yay! Boobs are back! Sydney Sweeney made engagement farming easy with her cleavage-revealing curtain call this past weekend as the…

America is too fat for another civil war

24 January 2024 4:20 am

Pundits and YouTubers these days love to warn of the inevitable civil war, as they sit in their comfortable, air-conditioned…

Bowling Alone reads like a nostalgic look at the good ol’ days

21 December 2023 1:31 am

In the book club, we recently read the famous social science tome, Bowling Alone, by Robert Putnam. In it he…

The new wave of woman hate

21 October 2023 6:35 am

It was in the late 1990s, during then-President Bill Clinton’s scandal, when I first concluded that neither major political party…

Battle cry of the politically listless

20 September 2023 1:37 pm

As we head into yet another election season, faced with what looks like an inevitable Trump-Biden rematch, it’s hard not…

Why Pride lost the public

22 June 2023 10:31 pm

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably witnessed the backlash to Pride. There have been mass boycotts of…

In defense of paranoia

25 January 2023 3:31 pm

Maybe it’s because I grew up during the “stranger danger” milk carton kid era (for those too young to know…

A junkie’s pride

5 January 2023 2:31 pm

I first quit a substance at the tender age of nineteen, when heroin addiction brought me to my knees within…

Have yourself a very basic Christmas

2 December 2022 2:40 pm

Humbug! I’ve written before in these pages about how much I loathe Christmas. It’s not just Christmas though: with the exception…

It’s the parallel economy, stupid!

5 November 2022 2:14 pm

There’s a lot of rumbling about American polarization these days. Sometimes it takes the form of people advocating for a…

Why I’ll never make it in stand-up

28 August 2022 12:17 pm

I’m an idiot. Because only an idiot decides to seriously pursue stand-up comedy at thirty, which is when I began.…

I regret my promiscuity

18 August 2022 11:01 pm

Upon opening Louise Perry’s new book, The Case Against the Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century,…

I apologize for my white baby

7 August 2022 12:04 pm

I’m here to apologize to my brothers and sisters of color — my white daughter’s pale skin has brought me…

In the valley of the shadow of birth

25 January 2022 8:28 am

I was five weeks pregnant when I found out. At that point, it’s nothing more than a little gestational sac…

America needs a 12-step program

18 October 2021 2:41 pm

When I got sober in October of 2013, my sponsor said many things I didn’t want to hear. One of…

My country, right or left

23 July 2021 4:34 pm

A funny thing happened to me this Fourth of July and, at the risk of having every jaded member of…

online trenches

Letter from the online trenches

25 November 2020 4:22 am

November 7, 2020 To my dear parents, Victory. Uttering the word feels strange after four long years of battle. But…


Why I won’t vote

28 August 2020 10:09 pm

Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a piece titled ‘The battle cry of the politically homeless’ in which I…


An open letter to the Democratic party

26 September 2019 4:01 am

This article is in The Spectator’s inaugural US edition. Subscribe here to get yours. Dear Democrats, I’m mad at you. I was raised…

politically homeless

The battle cry of the politically homeless

17 August 2019 11:48 am

Like millions of other Americans, I’m exhausted. But I’m not tired from #Resisting or tired from screaming at a MAGA…