Birdie Hall

My initiation into breastfeeding

17 March 2024 5:15 pm

The most fastidious of us prepare for the marathon of our first labor and birth, but still fail to wrap…

I’m backing RFK Jr.

16 June 2023 6:00 pm

In the spring of 2021, I was barred from attending the remainder of my graduate school program at NYU for…

Going native: is ancestral eating the answer to our dietary woes?

7 February 2023 2:13 am

The question of what to eat has plagued Americans since the first conquistadors hit the shores and started rounding up…

The radical alternative to a hospital birth

28 October 2022 1:41 pm

Giving birth hurts. A lot. Like any other major physical feat, it’s risky, but it’s not the inherently dangerous medical event…

How LSD helped me find God

3 August 2022 12:55 pm

The first time I took LSD was alone on Christmas Day in a snowed-in Montana cabin. I watched my skin…