US politics

How supporting Trump became cool

27 July 2024 9:00 am

For the past decade, the basic lines of conflict in American public life seemed clear. Donald Trump was pitted against…

Joe Biden’s legacy is one of failure

22 July 2024 4:10 pm

He resisted as they tried to force him away. He showed his defiance. Then, after a struggle, he gave in…

Republicans shouldn’t underestimate Kamala Harris

22 July 2024 7:49 am

Joe Biden has bowed to the inevitable in withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing his Vice President, Kamala Harris.…

Does Kamala Harris poll better against Donald Trump?

22 July 2024 7:06 am

Kamala Harris seems overwhelmingly likely to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee, having been given the blessing of both…

The cognitive dissonance of the Democrats

20 July 2024 9:00 am

Believe it or not, I planned to write the gist of this column before Saturday night. However, a caveat. Unlike…

Biden is as big a narcissist as Trump

6 July 2024 9:00 am

The dullest assertion you can make about Donald Trump is that he’s a narcissist who has no interest in the…

Jill Biden’s relentless pursuit of power

6 July 2024 9:00 am

At rallies, Joe Biden often speaks after his wife. ‘My name is Joe Biden and I’m Jill’s husband,’ he begins.…

The youth vote is turning right

29 June 2024 9:00 am

Young people are supposed to drink a ton, have a lot of sex, hang out with their friends at every…

Another election boost for Trump

8 June 2024 9:00 am

Last Thursday evening a companionable London dinner party was just wrapping up when our hostess returned to the table brandishing…

How would Athenians have dealt with Donald Trump?

8 June 2024 9:00 am

Has Humpty-Trumpty had a great fall, or a great bounce? That will depend on what the Great American Public thinks…

My message for Columbia’s protesting students

25 May 2024 9:00 am

There are several frustrating things about American college campuses, just one of which is the sheer volume of column inches…

Veep show: who will Trump pick for his running mate?

18 May 2024 9:00 am

We are in the fifth week of Donald Trump’s ‘hush money’ trial and the real scandal is that it’s all…

Trump has stolen a march on Biden

20 April 2024 9:00 am

The Democrats dare to hope that this week will be a study in contrasts. On their side stands President Joe…

Will Biden support Ukraine’s attacks on Russia?

13 April 2024 9:00 am

This time last year, Volodymyr Zelensky was touring western capitals, calling for weapons and money to launch a decisive summer…

Europe needs to step up on Ukraine

21 October 2023 9:00 am

Vasyl, a burly, tattooed infantry commander who lost a leg to a Russian mine on the eastern front, sits swinging…

Emergency on Planet Biden

30 September 2023 9:00 am

‘If aliens attacked Earth, do you think we would be safer under Joe Biden or Donald Trump?’ That’s a question…

Trumpvision: He’s making America watch again

26 August 2023 9:00 am

Trump no longer needs the TV networks

Does Biden actually care about gay rights?

31 May 2023 3:40 am

Joseph Robinette Biden, a practising Catholic, has travelled a long way when it comes to gay rights. In 1996, as Senator…

Ron DeSantis is the Republican party’s best hope

11 January 2023 5:53 pm

Florida governor Ron DeSantis is shaping up as the GOP’s best hope for next year’s US presidential election. Large parts…

You can't keep an American exceptionalist down

12 September 2021 7:34 am

Like millions of other Americans I was riveted by the images of chaos and despair at the Kabul airport as US…

My week with the baying Antifa mob

24 October 2020 9:00 am

 Portland, Oregon In the days when you could still watch a nature documentary without feeling as if you were sitting…