
The shards of heaven beneath our feet

1 February 2025 9:00 am

All precious stones are ‘earthly versions of the flickering lights in the night’s sky’, writes Philip Marsden, in a dazzling exploration of the minerals that make up our planet

From Cleopatra to Elizabeth Taylor, women have found jewels irresistible

25 May 2024 9:00 am

Helen Molesworth has produced a magnificent history of gemstones – their symbolism, provenance, and the legends surrounding the best ones

Live the high life… in a mid rise

4 May 2024 9:00 am

How radically left-wing is Labour’s proposed ‘renationalisation’ of the railways? Though militant Mick Lynch of the RMT union ‘strongly welcomed…

Dark days in Wales: Of Talons and Teeth, by Niall Griffiths, reviewed

6 January 2024 9:00 am

At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution a mountain is being hollowed out for mining, and everyone is covered in mud or worse in this memorable and highly original novel

Close to extinction: Venomous Lumpsucker, by Ned Beauman, reviewed

6 August 2022 9:00 am

Ned Beauman’s novels are like strange attractors for words with the letter ‘Z’. They zip, zing, fizz, dazzle and sizzle.…

The sweet and sour sides of growing up in a Chinese takeaway

23 July 2022 9:00 am

Angela Hui was born into a life of service: Chinese takeaway service. Her parents had fled mainland China, where they…

A scandalous cover-up: the El Bordo mining tragedy of 1920

27 June 2020 9:00 am

On the morning of 10 March 1920, on the edge of the city of Pachuca in central Mexico, 87 miners…

A modern-day El Dorado: the Serra Pelada gold mine, Brazil, 1986

Sebastiao Salgado – master of monochrome, chronicler of the depths of human barbarity

5 October 2019 9:00 am

Occasionally, we encounter an image that seems so ludicrously out of kilter with the modern world that we can only…

Perfectionism isn’t the same as integrity – as VW has shown

3 October 2015 9:00 am

Not that I was much of a boy racer, but the sexiest car I ever owned was a 1982 Volkswagen…

The only certain winner in the Greek stand-off: cliché

27 June 2015 9:00 am

The clear winner in the Greek crisis is the author of The Little Book of Negotiating Clichés, whose royalties must…

Matt Ridley’s diary: Why a Guardian contributor wants me beheaded

30 May 2015 9:00 am

Martin Williams, former head of the government’s air quality science unit, has declared that the reason we have a problem…

The Play That Goes Wrong. Photo: Alastair Muir

If you have teenage boys who loathe the very idea of theatre, send them to The Play That Goes Wrong

20 September 2014 9:00 am

It’s taken a while but here it is. The Play That Goes Wrong is like Noises Off, but simpler. Michael…