Rod Liddle: How I was bullied when I wore a burka
I dressed up in a burka to wander around the streets of Canterbury recently, to see what level of Islamophobic…
Charles Moore’s notes: Liberal-leaning Muslims are the people most opposed to the niqab
We are not allowed to know any details about the Muslim woman, charged with intimidating a witness, who has been…
The Story of the Jews, by Simon Schama - review
The recorder of early Jewish history has two sources of evidence. One is the Bible. Its centrality was brought home…
Lion Heart by Justin Cartwright - review
Justin Cartwright is famously a fan of John Updike — and here he seems to owe a definite debt to…
Taki: Stephen Fry and the gay lobby should cool it over the Winter Olympics
Gstaad I’ve met Stephen Fry twice in my life, both times long ago. The first time at a dinner given…
Richard Dawkins attacks Muslim bigots, not just Christian ones. If only his enemies were as brave
It’s August, and you are a journalist stuck in the office without an idea in your head. What to write?…
As an Anglican ex-bishop, I can tell you: Iran's new president could be our best hope for peace
If President Hassan Rouhani is anything like his mentor, peace has another chance
So, can we expect Channel 4 to broadcast a C of E call to prayer?
It is very lucky for the BBC that Channel 4 exists. Whatever imbecilic, supposedly attention-grabbing trash the BBC commissions, there will…