I remember Nikkei’s journalistic values – and I’m not sure they’re much like the FT’s
It’s nearly 30 years since I worked in Japan, but I still have a few words of the language and…
Letters: The Assad option, and a pre-nup for Taki
Don’t write off Assad Sir: Ahmed Rashid refers to our ‘Arab allies’ supporting al-Qaeda (‘The plan to back al-Qaeda against…
How British universities spread misery around the world
From Greece to Kenya, the worst economic ideas come from alumni of British universities
Alexis Tsipras is just doing what an ancient Athenian would
The EU finds it difficult to understand what drives the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Quite simply, he is a…
How Solon would have solved the Greek crisis
The combination of terror and outrage with which Brussels has greeted Greek Prime Minister Tsipras’s referendum tells us everything we…
Why won't Cameron seize his chance on the EU?
Few European leaders have been luckier than David Cameron. First he was sent Ed Miliband. Now events in Greece may…
'We need a new word for crisis': the view from Athens
Its people face an uncertain and frightening future
My big embarrassing Greek royal wedding
Tempus sure fugit, and how. Twenty years ago, on Saturday 1 July 1995, monarchs from around the world descended on…
Why Hesiod would have gone for Grexit
Why do Greeks want to keep the euro, or remain in the European Union? The combative, creative, competitive, mercantile classical…
Charles Moore’s notes: Grexit isn’t like Brexit (and that’s why it won’t be allowed to happen)
People write about ‘Grexit’ and ‘Brexit’ as if they were the same, but they need not be. Grexit is about…
The only certain winner in the Greek stand-off: cliché
The clear winner in the Greek crisis is the author of The Little Book of Negotiating Clichés, whose royalties must…
Putting Greece on a sound footing is like cleaning out the Augean Stables
There’s nothing to add to Martin Vander Weyer’s item about Hellas of two weeks ago in these here pages except…
Charles Moore’s notes: Does Chuck Blazer exist?
We in the West all hate Sepp Blatter, so we pay too little attention to the manner in which the…
Let Greece leave the eurozone
To listen to Greek government ministers addressing the outside world during their breaks from negotiations with eurozone leaders this week,…
Bet on a swift Grexit
‘Will Greece exit the eurozone in 2015?’ Paddy Power was pricing ‘yes’ at 3-to-1 on Tuesday, with 5-to-2 on another…
The eurozone is strong enough to kick out Greece if Syriza wins
Ever since European Central Bank president Mario Draghi declared himself ready, in July 2012, ‘to do whatever it takes to…