Church of England

Archbishop John Sentamu on why politicians are like men arguing at a urinal

17 January 2015 9:00 am

Archbishop John Sentamu is not scared to tell off politicians, across the spectrum

Spectator letters: Why we should subsidise weddings

22 November 2014 9:00 am

Let’s subsidise weddings Sir: Fraser Nelson (‘Marrying money’, 15 November) points out that marriages tend to last longer than cohabitations and…

Photo: Mary Turner/Getty

Conservative Anglicans’ emergency plan to escape women bishops

20 September 2014 9:00 am

To escape women bishops, Church of England conservatives are preparing a communion of their own

Spectator letters: How schools fail boys, Jonathan Croall answers Keith Baxter, and why atheists should love the C of E

10 May 2014 9:00 am

Why girls do better Sir: Isabel Hardman notes that girls now outperform boys at every level in education (‘The descent…

I’m scared to admit to being a Tory in today’s C of E

1 March 2014 9:00 am

Believe me, it’s not easy to be a Tory in today’s C of E

Why is the Church of England so obsessed with sex?

25 January 2014 9:00 am

Four bishops and a retired civil servant shut away in a palace, talking about human sexuality — it sounds like the…

Mugabe envy in Scotland

11 January 2014 9:00 am

Who owns Scotland? The people who most commonly ask this question believe that the land has been wrested from ordinary…

The death of Tory Anglicanism

23 November 2013 9:00 am

Women bishops, gay marriage, and the death of Tory Anglicanism

Richard Dawkins interview: 'I have a certain love for the Anglican tradition'

14 September 2013 9:00 am

Richard Dawkins shows off his human side

Dear Justin Welby – here’s how you can really take on Wonga

3 August 2013 9:00 am

I’ve been in the pulpit again, this time to salute the centenary of the death of Charles Norris Gray, a…

So, can we expect Channel 4 to broadcast a C of E call to prayer?

6 July 2013 9:00 am

It is very lucky for the BBC that Channel 4 exists. Whatever imbecilic, supposedly attention-grabbing trash the BBC commissions, there will…

God Squad

The new God squad: what Archbishop Welby and Pope Francis have in common

6 July 2013 9:00 am

Evangelicals have taken charge in the Vatican and Lambeth Palace