Leading article Australia
Hillary and us
So it was the quail what done ’er in. Asked to give an example of the ‘outrageous sexism’ that brought…
Tanya powder keg
Yet again, Tanya Plibersek has shown herself ill-equipped for the critical and sensitive portfolio of foreign affairs. Launching into a…
Unrepresentative swill
Once again a majority of Australian voters find themselves in the infuriating position of having their clearly established wishes frustrated…
Morrison and the critics
Every Australian government since Ben Chifley’s has defined our immigration policy in terms of guaranteeing border control and an orderly…
Get serious about debt
‘This is something we have to take seriously.’ So said Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson in his post-budget address to business…
Two cheers for Mr Fraser
Many Liberals and conservatives have been disgusted by Malcolm Fraser’s lurch to the Left since he lost office in 1983.…
It don’t come easy
‘Got to pay your dues, if you wanna sing the blues,’ sang Ringo Starr wistfully after the demise of the…
A heavyweight duel
In the lead-up to the main event, as excitement reaches fever pitch, the contenders go through the usual pre-bout rituals.…
Seventy ain’t old
Age, clearly, has not withered the Rolling Stones. With the average age of the remaining four members of the ‘greatest…
Abbott’s Asia accolades
Abbott-watchers amateur and professional are still having trouble coming to grips with the Prime Minister’s foreign policy. The latest intellectual…
A royal welcome
Australia prides itself on being a young country. For generations after independence in 1901, we still saw ourselves as essentially…
Joe’s Thatcherite message
The greatest accolade that can be granted to a public figure is not a knighthood, an OA or any such…
Our Watergate?
When we say the drama surrounding Arthur Sinodinos’s dealings at Australian Water Holdings brings back memories of Watergate, we do…
The Bolt crucible
Yes to free speech, no to racism. It should be a pretty simple formula but, of course, the devil is…
Consumer vs taxpayer
Remember Kim Carr’s dire warning: ‘The government has effectively signed the death warrant on Australia’s last fresh-fruit cannery, ensuring the…
Is Tony Abbott a dry?
At six minutes past eight on the evening of Monday 3 March, the camera panned unexpectedly off the face of…
Politics is not a blood sport
Mocking, abusing or vilifying Labor leaders is morally repugnant. Mocking, abusing or vilifying Liberal leaders is cool. Such is the…
Breaking windows
Smash! Don’t say we didn’t warn you. As one energy-reliant manufacturer after another shuts up shop; as our energy prices…
Creative destruction
In Labor’s telling, the decision by Japanese Toyota executives to pull the plug on their Australian operation is Tony Abbott’s…
The trouble with Aunty
The image of the benign, slightly fuddy-duddy old eccentric has been wrong for some time. But in recent weeks, the…
Rogues gallery
There seem to be an awful lot of rogues out there. When it became clear that corruption allegations against former…
Broken society
The deaths of NSW teenagers Thomas Kelly and Daniel Christie were beyond tragic. The senseless, random nature of the violence…
Very, very effective
The border protection debate is roaring again, and we’re happy to join the fun. One place to start is to…
Climate change jokers
They call it the silly season, when not much is happening in politics, so far-fetched yarns and preposterous anecdotes get…
Abbott’s Christmas renewal
It’s been only three months since Tony Abbott’s decisive victory on 7 September, and already the critics are baying for…