Jim Lawley

Does Catalonia really want independence?

8 September 2020 4:00 pm

In 1714, after a long siege, Spain managed to regain control of Barcelona after the War of Spanish Succession. Catalan…

Juan Carlos' exile may not save the Spanish monarchy

4 August 2020 7:37 pm

In the ‘bad bank’ model, a bank protects itself by dumping its toxic assets onto a second, newly-created institution. By…

Spain's fiendishly complex rules for easing the lockdown

4 May 2020 8:32 pm

Once upon a time, when travel was still allowed, I checked into a small hotel in back-of-beyond Extremadura, in South-West…

Spain faces a political reckoning after its coronavirus crisis

30 March 2020 5:37 pm

Here in Spain we have proper lockdown. We’re not ‘allowed out once a day for exercise’ over here. ‘You Brits…