Alan Moran

Closing coal? The real victims are Australian energy consumers

23 February 2022 2:00 pm

If software billionaire Mike Cannon Brookes is Australia’s latest corporate raider, his bid for AGL redefines the whole notion of…

Let’s remove government regulations that undermine electricity

17 February 2022 12:00 pm

Today’s announcement of the early closure of the Eraring power station means that, with the Liddell station scheduled to close…

Can Big Tech remain as the arbiter of politics?

4 February 2022 2:00 pm

Increasingly, climate change is coming to dominate energy supply and indeed the whole economy. Modest changes to the climate are…

The re-enthronement of capitalism: are ‘woke’ investment funds falling behind?

26 January 2022 12:00 pm

Over many years now, superannuation funds have been orientating their investments towards options that avoid unapproved Environmental and Social goods…

Australians mugged by taxes and regulations

18 January 2022 4:00 am

Issued last Friday was a new Victorian government review of ‘embedded networks’, which act as the electricity retailer to co-located…

The four horsemen of the economic apocalypse

6 January 2022 12:00 pm

The appearance of Covid brought a resurgence of fears of Armageddon. Conscious of mankind’s imperfections, ancient settled societies envisaged a…

Is Frydenberg’s post-Covid economic optimism justified?

21 December 2021 4:00 am

Josh Frydenberg was pleased with last week’s midyear economic review issued by Treasury. He preened himself, opining that the Covid…

There will be a reckoning for renewables

13 December 2021 12:00 pm

With COP26 a recent memory, the looming federal election has again pushed renewable electricity into the limelight. Despite the campaign…

Is the ALP ‘powering the future’?

7 December 2021 4:00 am

With the collapse of the Soviet bloc came a disenchantment with socialist planning as an alternative to market capitalism. Environmentalism,…

Remembering Adam Smith before it’s too late

3 December 2021 4:00 am

Adam Smith in his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, marvelled at…

Why are we borrowing from Build Back Better?

25 November 2021 4:00 am

Seventeen Nobel winning American economists have said that the Biden Administration’s $1.7 trillion “Build Back Better” program, will increase growth…

ScoMo’s climate modelling is even dodgier than his climate policy

14 November 2021 12:00 pm

The government went to Glasgow to sell its net zero emissions by 2050 policy to world leaders.    The policy was based on…

COP26 and the climate cult’s schizophrenia

7 November 2021 12:01 pm

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, in addressing the fashionable fiction of human-induced climate change used the hackneyed phrase “It’s one…

Farewell ScoMo, hello crippling costs of climate fantasy

28 October 2021 12:02 pm

Scott Morrison is heading off to lead Australia’s team at the Glasgow climate change meeting. He goes with a formula…

ScoMo, net-zero, that deal – and the death of the Nationals?

25 October 2021 4:00 am

Like MPs from other political parties, the Nationals are motivated by self-interest with rare infusions of the public interest represented…

Why won’t the advocates tell us the cost of net-zero?

17 October 2021 6:10 pm

Nowhere in the world can wind and solar compete without subsidies which drive out more competitive supplies and eventually raise…

The Business Council of Australia’s green schizophrenia

11 October 2021 12:30 pm

The Business Council of Australia is a pale imitation of the body that pioneered economic reform and deregulation 30-40 years…

Beware a blind charge to net-zero emissions

30 September 2021 6:35 pm

In the prologue to the UN Glasgow meeting on climate change, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has been preparing the ground for…

If we’re all such good friends and allies, there’ll be no carbon tariffs? Right?

21 September 2021 1:09 pm

Almost daily, supposedly pro-business outlets publish material calling for net zero emissions, carbon taxes and the abandonment of coal in…

There’s so much wrong with Anthony Albanese’s ‘Green ANZUS’

15 September 2021 1:20 pm

Rehearsing what he says is Labor’s long commitment to the American alliance, Anthony Albanese has sought to modernise this, saying, “ On…

The UN says no coal by 2030

7 September 2021 5:03 pm

Reminding us of what a difference a year makes was yesterday’s exhortation by UN Climate Action Team head Selwyn Hart, that…

Kabul: the harbinger of western decline or the catalyst for Trump’s return

20 August 2021 4:00 am

Recently revealed from the fall of Afghanistan is that President Obama exchanged Kairullah Khaikhwa, the public face of the Taliban leadership,…

The IPCC buries two millennia of fluctuating temperatures

13 August 2021 4:00 am

Probably nobody in the world has read the 3,949 pages of the latest IPCC report.  But many people have studied the 41 page politically determined, Summary…

Will big financial institutions destroy our resources sector before the Greens?

2 August 2021 8:18 pm

Last month Paul Kelly wrote that Australia was being inescapably propelled to adopting a Net Zero CO2 emissions policy, not by…

Net zero emissions? That will be $3000 for each of you, each year

15 July 2021 2:34 pm

In a widely accepted assessment, Energy consultant Wood Mackenzie Ltd. estimate the carbon price must rise to $160 per ton by…